Contact Details
Presbyter in Charge - Revd Fr Julian Lowe CJN 07952 174 206
Associate Priest - Revd Fr David Gill, 0115 962 2351
Advisory Council Members (in addition to clergy):
Tina Lowe (Churchwarden) - 07817 017 533
Katharine Dryden (Secretary)
Barry Dryden (Treasurer)
Dominic Pote
Margaret Handley
Other Contacts:
Dominic Pote (website)
Frances Thompson (Newsletter editor)
Tina Lowe (Deanery & Parish Safeguarding Lead) 07817 017 533
Barbara Bates (Parish link person for St Gregory's Foundation) 0115 956 1509
Associate Priest - Revd Fr David Gill, 0115 962 2351
Advisory Council Members (in addition to clergy):
Tina Lowe (Churchwarden) - 07817 017 533
Katharine Dryden (Secretary)
Barry Dryden (Treasurer)
Dominic Pote
Margaret Handley
Other Contacts:
Dominic Pote (website)
Frances Thompson (Newsletter editor)
Tina Lowe (Deanery & Parish Safeguarding Lead) 07817 017 533
Barbara Bates (Parish link person for St Gregory's Foundation) 0115 956 1509